Surgeon Stories
Daly Walker (2011)
$24.00 hardcover, $9.99 kindle
$24.00 hardcover, $9.99 kindle
Praise for City of Surgeon Stories
This is among the best collections of stories I’ve encountered over the last decade or so—fiercely dramatic, immaculately composed, and so moving that even the most hardened heart must tremble. Treat yourself to the great beauty of Surgeon Stories.
–Tim O’Brien, The Things We Carry
With an insider’s view of the medical profession, Daly Walker writes engaging stories, which often reveal their doctor-protagonists to be just as flawed and human as their patients. The result is an eye-opening collection of stories.
–Billy Collins, Poet Laureate of the United States (2001 - 2003)
–Tim O’Brien, The Things We Carry
With an insider’s view of the medical profession, Daly Walker writes engaging stories, which often reveal their doctor-protagonists to be just as flawed and human as their patients. The result is an eye-opening collection of stories.
–Billy Collins, Poet Laureate of the United States (2001 - 2003)