City of Brotherly Love: Stories
Ned Bachus (2012)
$22.00 hardcover, $9.99 Kindle

The people you meet in these stories are just like you and me. We struggle. It doesn't matter if we're black or white, male or female, deaf or hearing, divorced or married, young or dying, in love or out, kin or strangers, dog or human. How do we negotiate between what's inside us and the world outside? That is the central question of realistic, day to day living and of these eleven honest and evocative stories in City of Brotherly Love. Some of these characters succeed in protecting others if not themselves, some learn what is or is not out there for them. Some participate in ritualistic bonding; some learn to go it on their own.

Praise for City of Brotherly Love
Bachus’s marvelous collection is more than just a portrait of Philadelphia. He approaches his city from so many directions, and his characters encompass so many layers of experience, that it is easy to forget that these were all the product of a single imagination. These are wise stories, beautifully crafted and full of heart.
-Simone Zelitch, Louisa

In City of Brotherly Love, Ned Bachus takes us to a place that gives as much as it takes, with contemporary characters as rich as Philadelphia’s history. Bakers, waitresses, pharmaceutical reps, and bass playing plumbers show us, not just what it’s like to be a Philadelphian, but what it means to be human. Bachus’s writing perfectly captures the intricacies and contradictions of a city in search of itself. The stories in City of Brotherly Love create their own kind of beauty that, like the place they call home, is impossible to resist.
–Nate House, Float
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