This issue’s cover features Alfred Conteh’s painting Aaron. Conteh’s painting appears courtesy of the collection of Laura Lee Brown and Steve Wilson’s 21c Museum Hotels. The essay “Portraiture, Inside and Out: Alfred Conteh’s Aaron,” by 21c Chief Curator and Museum Director Alice Gray Stites, sheds light on the ways in which Conteh aesthetically addresses the structural inequalities Black communities face, while asserting the power and resilience of those communities through scale, material, and engagement with the art historical cannon.
Poems by Rosa Nevadovska (1890-1971) open the issue, both in the original Yiddish text and in English translation by Merle L. Bachman. These poems appear in Still Glimmering: Selected Poems by Rosa Nevadovska, Bachman’s forthcoming collection of Nevadovska’s poems in translation from Ben Yehuda Press; Bachman’s “Translator’s Note” shares something of Nevadovska’s own life story.
In TLR #93, a range of voices and of subjects are engaged, from an exploration of the too-often-hidden contributions of Black distillers to Kentucky bourbon, in Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker’s poem, “Masta d’Steala,” to a speculative view of a not-so-distant future deeply impacted by climate catastrophe in J. D. Strunk’s short story “Tokyo, 2031,” to human and animal encounters in the poems “when otters crossed penang road” by Singaporean writer Verena Tay and “I Brake for Butterflies” by Amy Foos Kapoor, to an assertion of resilience and vibrance in advanced age in Alice Bingham Gorman’s poem “This House of Eighty.” This issue, TLR’s fifth issue as an independent, nonprofit literary journal, presents readers with a wonderfully varied range of human experience.
Poems by Rosa Nevadovska (1890-1971) open the issue, both in the original Yiddish text and in English translation by Merle L. Bachman. These poems appear in Still Glimmering: Selected Poems by Rosa Nevadovska, Bachman’s forthcoming collection of Nevadovska’s poems in translation from Ben Yehuda Press; Bachman’s “Translator’s Note” shares something of Nevadovska’s own life story.
In TLR #93, a range of voices and of subjects are engaged, from an exploration of the too-often-hidden contributions of Black distillers to Kentucky bourbon, in Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker’s poem, “Masta d’Steala,” to a speculative view of a not-so-distant future deeply impacted by climate catastrophe in J. D. Strunk’s short story “Tokyo, 2031,” to human and animal encounters in the poems “when otters crossed penang road” by Singaporean writer Verena Tay and “I Brake for Butterflies” by Amy Foos Kapoor, to an assertion of resilience and vibrance in advanced age in Alice Bingham Gorman’s poem “This House of Eighty.” This issue, TLR’s fifth issue as an independent, nonprofit literary journal, presents readers with a wonderfully varied range of human experience.
Editor: Sena Jeter Naslund
Associate Editor: Flora K. Schildknecht
Managing Editor: Amy Foos Kapoor
Guest Poetry Editors: Greg Pape, Tammy Ramsey
Guest Fiction: Editor Juyanne James
Cornerstone: Editor Betsy Woods
Associate Editor: Flora K. Schildknecht
Managing Editor: Amy Foos Kapoor
Guest Poetry Editors: Greg Pape, Tammy Ramsey
Guest Fiction: Editor Juyanne James
Cornerstone: Editor Betsy Woods