Daffodils in December: Poems from an Unexpected Life
Alice Bingham Gorman (2025)
$10 softcover


In Daffodils in December: Poems from an Unexpected Life, Alice Bingham Gorman's beautifully crafted poems take readers from the poet's early childhood to her eighties.

Praise for Daffodils in December
Heartful and genuine, these poems collectively and consciously render the earned wisdom and joys of a life well-worth living with all its emotional complexities.
–Richard Blanco, author of Homeland of My Body

Lively and smart, with unexpected metaphors and a beautifully relaxed voice, surprise images abound in Alice Gorman’s wonderful collection, Daffodils in December.
–Molly Peacock, author of The Widow’s Crayon Box

Alice Gorman’s commitment to the imagination, thespirit, and love guides her through doubts, guilt, and grief, leaving open, through it all, “the gift of possibility.”
–Jeffrey Harrison, author of Between Lakes

Photo by Patricia Christakos

About the Author
Alice Bingham Gorman is a writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. She earned an MFA in Writing from Spalding University in 2005 and received an Honorary PhD in Fine Arts from the Memphis College of Art in 2001. Her writing has been published in Vogue, O, the Oprah Magazine, O’s Little Book of Love and Friendship, The Louisville Review, and countless regional periodicals and art publications. Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, she now divides her time between Maine and Florida. She is the author of the novel Valeria Vose.
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